Vishva Mahadevan

Vishva Mahadevan

Software Developer

Hey, I'm Vishva Mahadevan, a passionate Software Engineer. Welcome to my personal space on the web!



  1. Understanding OS Processes: User Mode and Kernel Mode

    An exploration of operating system processes and mode switching mechanisms

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  2. Dive into Apache Parquet: A Columnar Storage Format

    An in-depth exploration of Apache Parquet's architecture, compression techniques, and optimization strategies for big data storage.

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  1. Creating blog, How I built this portfolio using Next.js

    It started long back, while building kafka as a practising distributed system, why don't we built a blog system, to keep a journal of what i am doing.

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  2. Tools which i use at my workspace

    Documenting is always a part of my work day. I will start a day planning writing the task and get list down with priority. After the stand up i will start work

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